Monday, September 20, 2010

"Today...the rest of my life begins"

Feel left out no more, my friends! You can download side A & B of this fall mixtape I made, this afternoon. Sound quality is dead on for cassettes & comes in m4a format. Two files. Enjoy!

Side A

Side B

Thursday, September 2, 2010

"The Summer of Discord"

This is the mix I mentioned two posts ago. Made in July, it expresses my true feelings of this summer. I made it with a pen pal in mind & will be mailing it out shortly.

"When there's no enemies I sit & stare at my TV"

When I said "post in a few days" I meant over a month later. So here it is September & that means this blog is a year old. Ye-ah! But the mix I have for you today is actually my August mix & a gift for my friend Sophie.